The Gun Rack Special: The Declaration of Independence

  • Joey Upper


At The Gun Rack, we not only talk about firearms news and technology. We also celebrate the military and historical heritage brought to us by generations of Americans.

One of the ways we honor our American heritage is through our podcast, The Gun Rack. Through The Gun Rack, we try to approach that effort in different ways!

Here, you’ll find a full-on recording of the Declaration of Independence. It’s the signing of the Declaration of Independence we celebrate when we attend parades, watch fireworks, and do, well, just about anything else we customarily do on July 4th.

Which, by the way: For anyone who needs to hear it: It’s Independence Day. Fourth of July just doesn’t do it justice.

But I digress. The Independence Day podcast is, perhaps a little obviously, a full recording of the Declaration of Independence! For anyone who hasn’t had the time to read through the full work: take a moment and listen through it at the link above. It’s one of the cornerstones of this great country!

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